Jackson loves a good party, but he also loves a good reflection. Here are three of Jackson’s ideas to start off the New Year right. By reflecting on the last year, we are able to grab hold of the things that inspired us or grieved us. Use them by molding them into practices.
- What three things are you most grateful for this past year?
- Carve out space for each of these in 2019.
- What was the hardest thing you went through? What one lesson did you learn?
- Like building muscle, strength comes from daily lifting. Take this lesson and lift it into 2019.
- Who were the three most influential people in your life? Why were they important to you?
Take one quality or trait from each and incorporate them into your 2019.
Live purposefully. Live wholly. Live with love.
Happy 2019 from Jackson and the Rock Buddy Quarry!